Behavioral Counseling

Behavioral Counseling

Work with Registered Mental Health Counseling Intern Miles Oakner of Attitude Is Everything Counseling in Boca Raton, FL, and develop your child’s social and behavioral counseling program for emotional regulation, self-esteem, communication, and other life skills.

How Can Social and Emotional Counseling Help Your Child?

Children face many challenges in today’s social environments. Even if you strive to provide a healthy and loving environment at home, they may encounter different issues at school or in other settings. Bullying, difficulties with schoolwork, and the general buildup of stress and anxiety are just some examples of the challenges that may affect your child.

Social and emotional counseling offers a way to address these issues. Children are given opportunities to take a closer look at their current problems. Since many social and behavioral concerns are rooted in flawed thinking and self-sabotaging behavior, counseling focuses on directly addressing these issues.

Counseling emphasizes the importance of making changes to situations and developing healthy coping methods. Effective coping methods for your child can vary based on the specific problems they are dealing with. If your child is struggling with schoolwork, they may benefit from developing communication tools to help them voice their needs to you or their teachers.

No blanket approach works for every child. That’s why we work closely with each individual to identify their specific social and behavioral struggles. We help them understand the needs underlying their behavior so they can build their social and communication skills at home, at school, and in the community.

Reach out to Registered Mental Health Counseling Intern Miles Oakner of Attitude Is Everything Counseling to help your child through behavioral counseling in Boca Raton, FL.

How Does Our Approach to Social and Emotional Counseling Differ?

Social and Emotional counseling is meant to offer a personalized approach. Providing that personalized approach is difficult when confined to a rigid environment. We don’t want to be limiting in that regard.

To accommodate your child’s needs, we offer both in-office and outdoor counseling sessions. Your child can choose to discuss their concerns in whichever setting they prefer. Outdoor sessions may include nature walks and sports, while indoor sessions may feature board games and art activities. We will adjust based on that and continue to provide effective counseling.

Call 561-859-9077 and schedule social and behavioral counseling in Boca Raton, FL, for your child with Miles Oakner of Attitude Is Everything Counseling.

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Office Hours



8:00 am-7:30 pm


8:00 am-7:30 pm


8:00 am-7:30 pm


8:00 am-7:30 pm


8:00 am-7:30 pm



